“This person’s entire life can’t be boiled down to a sentence and date; that she had brown hair and brown eyes, and was this tall and weighed this much. Like that’s what encompasses her existence right now,” Rivers said.
Welcome to my portfolio, I hope you enjoy your stay!
“This person’s entire life can’t be boiled down to a sentence and date; that she had brown hair and brown eyes, and was this tall and weighed this much. Like that’s what encompasses her existence right now,” Rivers said.
Over a dozen men have been arrested on both federal and state charges in connection with a failed plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, according to authorities.
Since the early 2000s, NHFI has been producing short films and documentaries featuring various social injustices such as foster care youth and the incarceration system.
These pictures were taken during the profile broadcast project in my J1200 class.
Most of these photos were taken in Nueva Venezia, Colombia during my trip to visit family in Cartagena, Colombia. I was fascinated by the way people lived in houses on stilts that were just hovering above the water.
High schools across the country are revising and taking away the position of valedictorian; here’s why South should follow.
This year, the Freshmen Mentor program was dismantled, and the effects that can come from that could be detrimental.
In a discussion with students around school, I learned that many didn’t feel comfortable about asking questions about sex, nor did they feel like they learned what they needed to in our health class. This got me interested in the laws behind what schools can teach about sex education, and what they are allowed to focus on.
For this story I had to follow a criminal; one I later learned was in prison awaiting another trial. This story shined a light on how complex the laws are, and how some can break them without authorities noticing.